Friday, November 9, 2007

Depression: A destructive mood disorder

Depression is categorized under DSM IV (Diagnostic Statistical Manual Edition 4) as a mood disorder having characteristics of persistent or recurrent disturbances in one's life due to physiological stress and behavioural impairment for many years. Having depression is not a joke. Anyone can endure or to have this mental illness of not having coping skills and strategies in dealing with everyday stress. Yet, some individual have the ability to the face the stress while others do not have due to immense and overwhelming effect on one's life physical, social and psychological stressors.

Such stressors can trigger one's capacity in not able to function well in the society. Thus, the stress triggers and disturb those function and this can be categorized into three:

Loss/gain of weight, somatic complaints meaning pain does not exist yet the feeling is there, fatigue, lack of sleeping, lack of energy and psychomotor redartation or agitation

Difficulties in intimacy, sexual, marital relationship, occupational and education

Decrease of self-esteem, feeling of worthlessness, decrease in concentration and reasoning ability, self-isolation, sadness and excessive worries and anxiety.

These disturbances such as physical, social and psychological can have a huge impact to the individual thus leading to depression. To diagnosed a person who has depression, one must have 5 signs and symptoms that manifest the individual within a period of 2 weeks.

  • depressed mood most of the day, nearly everyday
  • marked diminished interest or pleasures in almost all activities
Two of symptoms must be present continuously during the 2 weeks period, adding with 3 other symptoms:

  • loss/gain of weight
  • Insomnia
  • Psychomotor retardation or agitation
  • fatigue
  • feelings if worthlessness or excessive guilt
  • diminished ability to think or concentrate
  • thinking of death and attempting suicide
Therefore, for mental health nursing profession, we must know of the different angles and dimension surrounding depression especially the causative factors. Ever knowing of the complication of stress may give us an idea what to do and creatively plan a suitable care for the client in making him/her to adapt with the changes in facing the stress. In addition with suitable treatment regimen as well as supportive environment with the client. Hence, making our nursing care worthwhile.

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