Sunday, March 11, 2007

The 2nd Annual Academic Sessions

From 20th to 21st of March, the College of Nursing attended the the Annual Academic Session 2007 that bears the theme "Cultivating Research Talents through Interdisciplinary Collaborations".

The main aim are
  • To bring together health professionals as well as biomedical and lifescience researchers
  • To provide a platform for them to share and highlight their inter-disciplinary collaborations
  • To create awareness of the importance of research and sharing information within the medical, health and basic science communities in Brunei Darussalam and the region.

Highlights of the sessions was the introduction of the Brunei Darussalam Journal of Health published by the Institute of Medicine. Now a research centre has been establish!

In this sessions, from the nursing parts, some interesting topics were presented by our Staff Nurses from RIPAS, SSB and PIHM Hospital. It was the highlight for these nurses to present their findings about pertaining to nursing issues or others that might affect the nursing management of a client in improving the healthcare delivery system.

Critical evaluation of international guidelines in hospital emergency management of care for the trauma victim in Brunei by Salleh Kamal Badaruddin

The Importance of psychoeducational approach in improving medication compliance in schizophrenia by Hajjijah Harris (*VERY RELATED TO OUR PROFESSION*)

Effects of on-call work to healthcare workers' health by Hjh Milazita Leman

All of the papers presented were good based on it applicability to Brunei healthcare system and it is hope the nursing services would look upon to their work in order to improve the current situation.

Our college nursing educators also presented their topic regarding of improving the nursing education in Brunei Darussalam which was very interesting and significant findings (I will upload this soon)

Nurses' and midwives perceptions of the relevance of human anatomy and physiology in their profession by Julaini Latip, Khadizah Mumin and Maimunah Othman

Small scale explorative study on nurses and midwives knowledge in the Islamic perspectives of the ethical frameworks by Khadizah Mumin

An analysis of health promotion models utilized in the community health practice in Brunei Darussalam by Hjh Salmah Hj Mohd Noor and Khadizah Mumin

It is hope in the future this annual academic sessions should continue in order to know the current evidenced based practice that can be applicable to all health care profession especially mental health nursing as this needs to be investigate further.

Thank you Rahman for uploading the pictures.

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